Saturday 31 March 2018

Ken longo sistema de comércio de sapos

Sistema de comércio de Ken longo sapo
Workshop Day Trading Systems.
Em apenas três dias, saiba como negociar dois grandes sistemas comerciais!
E para aqueles que optam por ficar dois dias adicionais podem negociar esses dois sistemas simples e lucrativos ao vivo nos mercados com um treinador experiente e bem sucedido na sala. O melhor de tudo, esses sistemas comprovaram que eles levaram os lucros para fora do mercado repetidamente!
Neste pequeno vídeo de dois minutos, os estudantes do Day Trading System.
Dê uma visão sobre o valor de tomar esse curso.
Sistema I - Origens do sistema de comércio de sapos.
Ken tem sido um comerciante ativo e observador de longo prazo nos mercados e nos últimos anos, ele mudou a maior parte de sua negociação ativa para intraday. Ele notou o hábito consistente de preços para questões específicas para mover uma certa quantia. Muito parecido com um sapo salta quando ouve um ruído alto, os preços tendem a mover uma certa quantidade antes de pararem ou se mudar novamente. Rãs diferentes são capazes de saltar distâncias diferentes, mas cada um tende a pular a mesma distância da última vez. Seria possível saber até que ponto o preço de uma empresa se deslocaria em determinado dia?
O sistema apresenta múltiplas oportunidades intradias, quase todos os dias, o mercado está aberto. As posições estão fechadas até o final do dia, então não há risco durante a noite ou se preocupar com posições enquanto você se deita na cama à noite. Também há obrigatoriedade de olhar para dezenas de gráficos todas as noites ou todas as manhãs (tempo de trabalho comercial). Os negócios geralmente são iniciados dentro da primeira hora após o sino da abertura e eles duram em qualquer lugar de meia hora até quase todo o dia de negociação. O sistema oferece uma taxa de ganhos ligeiramente superior a 50%, mas os negócios vencedores são tipicamente uma vez e meia do tamanho dos negócios perdidos.
De vez em quando, o sistema alcançará um maior comércio de R-multiple, mas geralmente, ele gera negociações múltiplas consistentes e pequenas. As regras levam transações longas e curtas. Como o sistema é quase 50/50 em ganhar e perder, as retiradas tendem a ser relativamente baixas e relativamente pouco profundas. Ken só negociou este sistema intraday no mercado de ações, mas acredita que o conceito poderia ser aplicado em diferentes prazos e usado em diferentes mercados. (Um cliente indiano confirmou que o sistema está funcionando bem com as ações da Nifty 50). Com apenas algumas regras, o sistema é fácil de entender e executar. É preciso disciplina para seguir as regras, mas se você fizer isso, você tem o potencial de gerar um retorno consistente.
Número secreto do sapo de Kenerno.
Ken respondeu esta pergunta por si mesmo alguns anos atrás: é possível ter uma estimativa de quanto um preço de ações pode se mover em qualquer dia.
Ele é um forte crente no uso de estatísticas para ajudá-lo a entender e descrever o comportamento dos preços nos mercados. O alcance médio verdadeiro (ATR) é uma medida amplamente utilizada de movimento de preços ou volatilidade. Este conhecido indicador, no entanto, não ajudou Ken a entender o que ele poderia esperar de abrir para fechar em um determinado dia. Como ele foi feito em várias situações semelhantes, Ken inventou sua própria medida ou estatística de alcance. Ele agora usa essa estatística de alcance todos os dias como base para julgar o movimento global do mercado e seus sistemas de negociação de balanço e dia.
Ken então evoluiu essa estatística de alcance novamente com a aplicação de alguma análise estatística adicional. Essa nova medida de movimento intradía é o número secreto do sistema de comércio de sapos que ajuda Ken a entender a probabilidade de um movimento de preços continuar a se mover ou não (achatar ou reverter ). Isso o ajuda a descartar alguns movimentos, pois o ruído e os outros são significativos e, portanto, provavelmente continuarão por um movimento de preço múltiplo R rentável. Em essência, ele pode determinar até que ponto um sapo pode aguardar todo um dia de negociação e como bem dentro de um dia de negociação. Uma vez que ele aprendeu isso, ele conseguiu criar um sistema comercial muito simples que funciona notavelmente bem. Na oficina, você aprenderá como ele calcula esse número importante para que você possa entender o processo, calcular você mesmo, e aplique-o lucrativamente.
Sistema II - RLCO, Regression Line Crossover System.
Durante anos, Ken olhou para as linhas de regressão para ajudá-lo a entender a tendência mais ampla do mercado. Recentemente, ele começou a aplicar métodos de regressão linear para índices individuais e aos preços das ações individuais para ver o que ele poderia encontrar. Ken está encontrando constantemente o que funciona e depois estendê-lo. Ele sabia que uma linha de regressão deu a melhor descrição linear de um conjunto de dados usando sua inclinação, e sua figura R2 forneceu informações muito úteis. Não se preocupe se você não entender esses termos ou estatísticas básicas - apenas saiba que as linhas de regressão podem ser muito úteis quando aplicadas em um sistema comercial apropriado. Em linguagem mais simples - elas funcionam!
Como a maioria dos comerciantes, Ken já ouviu falar sobre a mudança das médias em sistemas baseados em crossover ao longo dos anos. A idéia tem muitos méritos para encontrar oportunidades de curto prazo dentro de tendências de longo prazo. Isso é, quando há tendências. Um grande problema para Os sistemas de crossover médios móveis estão nos períodos planos. Os comerciantes podem obter-se quando o preço se move para cima e para baixo, fazendo com que as médias atravessem e depois voltem a cruzar. Ken se perguntou se as linhas de regressão funcionariam melhor.
Eles fizeram - mas não são bons o suficiente para ter um ótimo sistema comercial ainda. Depois de mais pensar, uma boa quantidade de pesquisa e testar várias estratégias, Ken encontrou duas entradas adicionais que adicionaram muita confiança para seus sinais de entrada e saída. O primeiro papel de Ken trocou o conceito por um tempo e depois iniciou um protótipo de teste comercial com pequenas posições de dinheiro real. Ao negociar e evoluir os conceitos, eles ganharam mais clareza e evoluíram para uma estrutura para um tipo de negociação com vários possíveis entradas e várias saídas possíveis. Hoje, ele troca RLCO diariamente com uma estratégia de dimensionamento da posição de nível de produção.
Principais benefícios do sistema RLCO -
Encontra Momentos Críticos: RLCO ajuda os comerciantes a identificar momentos-chave quando o mercado ou uma única questão tem uma maior probabilidade de transição de uma tendência para outra. Você tem uma boa idéia quando o preço começará a se mover, continuar a mover-se ou ter terminou seu movimento. Funciona em Diretrizes de Múltiplos Mercados: o RLCO ajuda os comerciantes quando o preço está subindo, para baixo e para os lados. Você pode se concentrar em uma ferramenta para ajudá-lo a entender o preço, independentemente da direção. Funciona em prazos múltiplos: a lente RLCO aplica desde prazos tão curtos como gráficos de minutos para intervalos de tempo semanais e mensais. Os comerciantes de dias, comerciantes de swing e comerciantes de longo prazo podem usar o RLCO. Adaptativo: o sistema adapta-se à medida que o preço e a volatilidade mudam se é liso ou descontínuo. Você pode se concentrar em uma ferramenta para ajudá-lo a entender o preço, independentemente da volatilidade. Aplicável a vários mercados: Â O framework RLCO oferece informações e pode ser negociado em vários mercados de capitais: ações, moedas e commodities até agora. Você não terá que trocar de mercado para trocar RLCO. Atualização contínua: o framework RLCO combina o imediatismo da avaliação de instantâneos atuais das condições do mercado e evolui ao longo do tempo com o mercado. À medida que os preços se movem, sua compreensão e expectativas se adaptarão ao longo do caminho para permitir que você gerencie melhor seus negócios. Fundação analítica de som: a ampla aplicação de linhas de regressão em ciências duras e suaves, em teoria e prática, negócios e academia sugere que continuará a ser robusta e útil. Você pode saber que o RLCO funciona sem pesquisar seus conceitos básicos porque eles foram amplamente estudados. Avançar: В As linhas de regressão ajudam os meteorologistas em vários campos a avaliar as possibilidades futuras. Eles podem ajudar os comerciantes a entender preços passados ​​e eles nos permitem tomar uma ação informada em o futuro com confiança. Você pode entender quanto preço pode se mover com alguma confiança. Contexto do mercado: В RLCO ajuda os comerciantes a responder uma pergunta importante - Quão extrema é a condição atual historicamente? A resposta ajuda você a avaliar o quão crítico, incomum ou anormal da estrutura de preços atual e ajustar suas expectativas para o nível de ação a seguir. Você pode estar preparado e ganhar com potenciais grandes movimentos no mercado. Abordagem Disciplinada: o RLCO pode atuar como uma sobreposição quando aplicado a diferentes sistemas e prazos. Isso pode fornecer um contexto importante e mantê-lo fundamentado quando se trata de tomar decisões em todos os sistemas. Você pode continuar usando seus sistemas comerciais atuais e adicionar métodos RLCO para ajudar.
Por que Ken combinou o sapo com RLCO para este workshop?
Cada sistema é autônomo e comercializável de forma independente. Para os comerciantes que desejam minimizar a complexidade e abraçar a simplicidade, o sistema Frog é o melhor. Reduz as decisões de entrada e saída para a mais simples distinção entre sinal e ruído em ação de preço e combina isso com regras simples claras. Existem pontos de decisão opcionais suficientes para ajustar o sistema de acordo com seu gosto. Para os comerciantes que estão interessados ​​em negociar uma estrutura conceitual e aplicar algum nível de discrição, o RLCO se encaixa melhor. O RLCO exige alguma interpretação da ação de preços, volatilidade, hora, hora do dia e procura encontrar momentos críticos quando o preço é preparado para mover-se bruscamente. O RLCO pode incorporar os níveis de preços do dia anterior, bem como uma série de indicadores adicionais para atender ao gosto de cada comerciante. Operados juntos, Frog e RLCO reforçam-se mutuamente. O número Frog pode ajudar a afinar as entradas do RLCO, bem como informar as decisões sobre quando sair depois de uma corrida particularmente boa com base no status do intervalo. A estrutura RLCO pode fornecer pontos de decisão adicionais em várias ocasiões do dia para um comerciante de Frog aplicar a análise simples do sistema de sinal versus ruído do sistema.
Inspirado pelas potentes redes que Ken desenvolveu ao longo dos anos na VTI, tanto pelo programa Super Trader quanto para os participantes da oficina, ele criou e conduziu um grupo de comerciantes com um interesse compartilhado na negociação eletrônica e negociação intradiária, que ele chama de Chatroom.
Ken e seus membros do chatroom estão desenvolvendo uma comunidade de prática diária para incentivar um ambiente saudável e útil para apoiar o desenvolvimento de cada membro como comerciante.
E, como forma de manter o espírito de cooperação experimentado nas oficinas depois de você voltar para casa, você obtém adesão gratuita e acesso a este fórum de chat. E enquanto esta associação é gratuita para participantes do workshop, o valor dessa interação e aprendizado contínuo é tão valioso quanto o próprio workshop.
Uma vez que você está de volta para casa e estuda ou comercializa os sistemas que aprendeu na oficina, inevitavelmente, você encontrará algumas questões importantes. Após cada Workshop de Negociação Swing Adaptive e Day Trading Workshop, Ken oferece três sessões de coaching de acompanhamento para responder suas últimas perguntas. Nessas sessões on-line, o Ken interage com os participantes ao compartilhar idéias e responder a perguntas. Ken irá hospedar três chamadas de treinamento seguindo as oficinas, aproximadamente um por mês e, se você não pode fazer uma sessão, você pode assistir a gravação quando for conveniente para você. Essas sessões são mais do que apenas Q e A, pois os comerciantes também compartilham o que está funcionando de forma excelente para eles e colaboram em idéias para tornar os sistemas ainda mais robustos.
Ken Long começou a investir em fundos mútuos na década de 1990, mas cresceu nos últimos quinze anos em um excelente comerciante tático e pensador. Ele também desenvolveu suas estratégias ao longo dos anos e ensina seus últimos avanços nesta oficina.
Quando Ken Long participou pela primeira vez da minha oficina de Desenvolvimento de Sistemas em meados da década de 1990 e me apresentou seus objetivos, pensei em mim mesmo: "Alguém do Exército vai aplicar esse material?" Pouco eu sabia que Ken Long não só aplicaria, mas dominava e se tornaria um dos melhores comerciantes que conheci. Primeiro pedi a Ken que me ajudasse a ensinar o processo de desenvolvimento de um sistema de comércio ganhador muitos anos atrás. Ele também ensinou comigo na oficina do Blueprint For Trading Success. Então, quando Ken começou a desenvolver um sistema comercial bem sucedido, ele começou a ensinar suas próprias oficinas para a VTI. Ele ensinou Swing Trading, Day Trading, Discretionary Trading e Core (Long-Term) System trading.
Ken é uma das poucas pessoas que conheço que tem uma licenciatura em design de sistemas e um doutorado em gestão com uma dissertação em tomar decisões em condições incertas. Por causa de seu treinamento acadêmico, experiência militar e vasta experiência no mercado, Ken vê idéias comerciais que a maioria das pessoas nunca pensaria. Por exemplo, quando Ken assistiu à nossa oficina de sistemas e aprendeu sobre o complexo jogo de treinamento que estávamos jogando, ele desenvolveu um procedimento para estratégias sobre o jogo que agora ensino na mesma oficina. Ele é tão bom!
Ken é um dos nossos melhores instrutores, principalmente porque ele trata seu comércio e ensinar a maneira como ele trata suas artes marciais, seu treinamento de futebol e a vida em geral: ele persegue a excelência até o ponto de domínio. Ken é um pensador, filósofo, tinkerer e líder. Ele aplica o que aprendeu a tudo o que ele faz e, portanto, faz mais um trabalho a cada dia do que qualquer um que eu conheça.
Uma nota para Ken de um estudante passado:
"Ken, eu quero compartilhar um comércio com você que tive a sorte de me posicionar corretamente para colher as recompensas, graças aos seus ensinamentos. Eu encontrei o VRTX no domingo à noite como uma configuração 5DD (eu tenho que fazer toda a minha pesquisa comercial e configurações após as horas por causa do meu trabalho). Eu enquadrei como ensinado e estabeleci minha entrada em US $ 65,10, 0,05 acima da alta do dia anterior. As notas daquela noite na minha seção de comentários são "suporte de busca de preços em MLR90". & Quot; Chegou às 65h10 na segunda-feira. Na noite de segunda-feira, coloquei uma parada de $ 2.14 (usei a ATR15, que era o valor médio de ATR5, ATR10 e ATR15). As notas dessa noite são "suporte novamente em MLR90". Procure por hesitação no BBmean (69.84, zeno stop for 2R). & Quot; Fui trabalhar por 12 horas hoje e cheguei em casa para descobrir que eu vendi VRTX em $ 96.65! O QUE! umm. MATEMÁTICA. Esse é um ganho de 14.7R!
Recebemos este conjunto de perguntas de um cliente e gostaria de compartilhar com todos.
Q: quantos sistemas estaremos aprendendo?
R: Você aprenderá 3 variações do sistema de sapo mecânico, juntamente com pontos razoáveis ​​onde os parâmetros podem ser variados, apoiados por evidências contínuas da negociação a termo, uma versão conservadora que é expectativa positiva. Você aprenderá e praticará na estrutura RLCO: a estratégia que possui pelo menos 5 aplicações distintas com padrões facilmente reconhecidos que podem ser negociados separadamente ou de forma integrada. Você aprenderá a combinar essas estratégias intradias com padrões de comércio de swing de longo prazo e comércios para obter mais valor em sistemas de longo prazo. Então, a resposta é 2 sistemas com 8 estratégias que também podem ser feitas em conjunto com o swing trading de forma sistemática.
P: Qual é a expectativa dos sistemas?
R: A expectativa do sistema Frog mecânico conservador amplamente estudado é .2, para um conjunto de dados de 800 trades. Nossa experiência nas oficinas de negociação ao vivo é que o RLCO pode entrar em uma expectativa de .3 a .4, quando você encontra as estratégias e adaptações específicas que realmente se adequam a você.
P: Qual é o capital necessário para negociar os sistemas de negociação dia kens?
R: Eu recomendo um tamanho mínimo da conta de mais de $ 25K para ser devidamente capitalizado para o dia de rotina comercial.
P: Em que mercados os sistemas podem ser negociados?
R: Os sistemas são projetados para índices de ações, ETFs, futuros e ações individuais, no entanto, há um crescente número de evidências que sugerem que os sistemas podem ser efetivamente aplicados aos pares de Forex e futuros de Forex.
P: Quais são as horas / horas de negociação necessárias para trocar os sistemas?
R: O sapo pode ser trocado pela manhã na maioria dos dias, alguns dias também permitem um movimento da tarde. O framework RLCO é flexível. Hora do dia e a quantidade de gerenciamento realmente se correlaciona com a frequência com que você deseja negociar.
P: Em que tipo de contexto de mercado esses sistemas operam?
R: O sistema Frog é robusto em todos os tipos de mercado; A estrutura RLCO possui parâmetros adaptativos que enquadram decisões e oportunidades consistentemente em todos os tipos de mercado. Eu faço essa declaração, dado os métodos particulares que uso para descrever as condições do mercado, mas acredito que a declaração seja justa, dado o que geralmente entendemos por classificação de mercado.
Q: Existe algum software especializado necessário?
A: Excel (e o Excel XL-add-in para facilidade de recuperação de dados) - mas apenas se você quer mexer com parâmetros e conjuntos de símbolos. Caso contrário, não é necessário. Qualquer pacote completo de gráficos terá os indicadores simples que aplicamos para criar a estrutura, qual é a nossa maneira particular de descrever as condições do mercado e a ação de preços.
P: Qual é o risco mínimo exigido por comércio?
A: Minhas crenças: variando de .1% da carteira, para não superior a 2% da carteira por comércio. Eu favorece a negociação com o risco mínimo por comércio que permanece aceitável com custo efetivo.
P: Quais são as crenças para trocar esses sistemas?
R: Estes são totalmente articulados nas definições de sistemas fornecidas na oficina e são exercidas diariamente em nossa sala de bate-papo. Descobri, no entanto, que é mais fácil para as pessoas acreditarem terem compreendido as crenças de forma racional do que foi para elas realmente colocar as crenças em prática. Agradeço essa questão porque nunca escrevi essa ideia nessas palavras exatas, mas agora reconheço o quão verdadeiro e importante é essa visão.
P: Esta oficina possui a política de garantia normal da VTI? E se eu precisar cancelar de antemão?
R: Devido ao formato exclusivo desta oficina, não oferecemos garantia de devolução de dinheiro da oficina regular nesta oficina e também há uma taxa de cancelamento. Normalmente, os participantes têm até o almoço no segundo dia de nossas oficinas de três dias para solicitar um reembolso total. No entanto, Ken revela ambos os sistemas na primeira manhã e os alunos vão praticar o comércio a partir daí, então não podemos oferecer nossa política de reembolso normal.
Após o registro, você começará a receber materiais que você deve estudar e concluir antes do início da oficina. Tenha em atenção que o pré-trabalho é extenso - não deixe a preparação para o workshop até chegar no seu hotel na noite anterior ao início do workshop - é impossível estar pronto para o workshop para o próximo manhã. В.
Porque tanta informação é distribuída antes do workshop, haverá uma taxa para este material se você precisar cancelar. Você pagará US $ 300 por este material e esse é seu para manter se você solicitar um reembolso para a oficina.
Se você não tem certeza se a Day Trading Workshop for para você, sinta-se à vontade para entrar em contato conosco para falar sobre se é um bom ajuste ou não. A satisfação do cliente sempre foi importante para o Instituto Van Tharp e preferimos ter uma sala de aula vazia assento do que um cliente insatisfeito. Realisticamente, no entanto, não nos preocuparemos com isso porque Ken Long sempre forneceu um excelente valor na oficina. Os pedidos de reembolso em uma de suas oficinas foram extremamente raros.
P: Qual a experiência comercial que devo ter antes de comparecer?
R: Exigimos que os participantes desta oficina tenham algum dia de experiência comercial e entendam os vários usos das ordens do mercado, parar e limitar. Sem alguma experiência comercial no dia anterior, você provavelmente será frustrado pelo ritmo do curso e provavelmente não conseguirá perceber o valor total da oficina.
O que os alunos passados ​​dizem.
Resumo da Aprendizagem de Processos: Insights de um dia de fim de semana de negociação.
Ken Long discursou estudantes neste vídeo de 19 minutos, youtu. be/OAldPm6wpHU.
Uma Configuração, Múltiplos Negócios.
Neste vídeo de 16 minutos, Ken Long explica uma série de negócios que ele assumiu nos últimos dois dias usando uma série de metodologias de mercado. Em primeiro lugar, ele faz uma revisão completa de seu gráfico global de verificação de saúde do mercado, então fornece uma configuração de troca de swing e, finalmente, mostra como um padrão de gráfico específico ofereceu uma oportunidade de baixo risco. Você pode ver e ouvir como esses diferentes elementos se encaixam para um dia comercial rentável em 2 de fevereiro que então evoluiu para um comércio de balanço durante a noite. Então, em 3 de fevereiro, ele fechou o comércio de swing, enquanto o gráfico revelou outra oportunidade de comércio intradía RLCO na direção oposta.
Ken Long fez uma série de vídeos anteriormente destacando os negócios RLCO e Frog, mas ele sempre está evoluindo suas idéias. Nos seguintes vídeos, ele revisa alguns gráficos de interesse e exemplos de seu mais recente desenvolvimento de conceito de negociação - "Estrutura de Fração da Estrutura de Regressão". Ele explora como as linhas de regressão de vários períodos de tempo se relacionam entre si na evolução da ação de preço.
A frequência na oficina de negociação do dia é necessária para participar das sessões de negociação ao vivo que se seguem a esta oficina.
Exigimos que os participantes tenham algum dia de experiência comercial e entendam os vários usos das ordens de mercado, stop e limite.
Sem alguma experiência comercial no dia anterior, você provavelmente será frustrado pelo ritmo do curso e provavelmente não conseguirá perceber o valor total da oficina.
Estamos felizes em ajudar se você tiver dúvidas, então ligue para nós, 919-466-0043, ou envie um e-mail para infovantharp.
Leia o artigo de Van sobre tipos de comerciantes e erros aqui. Para ler uma entrevista com Ken Long sobre sua abordagem à negociação, clique aqui. Leia a perspectiva do aluno sobre as oficinas da Ken aqui. Para a perspectiva de Ken sobre seus sistemas e estilo de ensino, clique aqui. Confira este estudo de caso detalhado e um vídeo de 8 minutos de negócios bem sucedidos de Ken Long para a semana de 20 de fevereiro aqui. Todos os domingos à noite, Ken analisa o relatório do fim de semana e registra o vídeo de suas interpretações sobre o mercado. Os participantes de suas oficinas recebem acesso a essas gravações e relatórios por um ano. Para assistir a análise de 13 de fevereiro de 2012, clique aqui. Live Day Trading Sessions.
Van Tharp, Van Tharp Institute, Van TharpeLearning, Positioning e IITM são marcas comerciais da IITM, Inc nos Estados Unidos e em outros lugares.
SQN é uma marca comercial registrada no governo da IITM, Inc.

3 Princípios Fundamentais de um Comerciante Iluminado.
Desde que me tornei um treinador de operações em tempo integral há quase trinta anos, minha missão foi a transformação através de uma metáfora financeira. Minha equipe prospera nos comentários que recebemos quase que diariamente: "Você mudou minha vida inteira para melhor, obrigado" Ou "Quero agradecer-lhe por seus materiais que me ajudaram a tornar-se muito mais confiante e otimista ".
Vários anos atrás, minha equipe concordou em uma reunião que, juntamente com os princípios comerciais fundamentais que ensinamos, também devemos realmente promover nossa missão de transformação. Ser aberto sobre a nossa paixão pela transformação ajudaria a responder às pessoas que, ocasionalmente, perguntam: "Se Van Tharp sabe muito sobre o comércio, então, por que ele simplesmente não troca?" Bem, essa pergunta pressupõe que o dinheiro da negociação seja "tudo a bom" e fim-tudo "da vida. Não é para mim. Minha missão é a transformação. Eu acho uma alegria muito maior quando as pessoas dizem: "Dr. Tharp, você não só melhorou minha negociação, mas todos os aspectos da minha vida ", do que de qualquer dinheiro que fiz de negociação.
Nos últimos anos, na verdade, cheguei a descobrir que ajudamos as pessoas com transformações em três níveis individuais.
Transformação: adote os principais princípios de negociação que funcionam.
No primeiro nível, ajudamos os comerciantes a transformar suas crenças centrais sobre os mercados e o comércio para as crenças que coincidem com os melhores comerciantes. Na minha pesquisa, tenho modelado muitos dos melhores comerciantes do mundo para descobrir o que eles têm ou fazem em comum um com o outro. Uma vez que você entende como eles pensam e o que eles fazem, outros podem aprender seus processos. Nunca vi ninguém juntar todo este material, então chamamos isso de Tharp Think. Existem cerca de 50 princípios fundamentais para o Tharp Think. No entanto, muitas pessoas não podem simplesmente adotar esses princípios. Em vez disso, eles precisam se transformar de certo modo antes de poderem internalizar esses princípios fundamentais.
Deixe-me lhe dar um exemplo. Larry Connors fez algumas pesquisas sobre como os comportamentos de mercado repetidos podem dar aos comerciantes uma vantagem. Por exemplo, em seu livro How The Markets Realmente trabalhou, ele sugeriu que um estoque tenderia a ter um bom movimento ascendente após ter passado por pelo menos cinco dias consecutivos. Um dos nossos instrutores, Ken Long, desenvolveu um sistema comercial completo em torno dessa tendência que ele ensina em uma de nossas oficinas.
Configuração: 1) Você tem cinco ou mais dias abaixo seguidos por um dia interno. O dia interior diz que "está parado em baixo". Isso é mostrado na figura abaixo. 2) Esta configuração funciona se produzir uma relação potencial de recompensa / risco de pelo menos 3 a 1.
Risco (1R) é a diferença entre a alta do dia interno e a baixa do último dia de baixa. A recompensa é o movimento potencial do alto do dia interno para o alto antigo, assumindo que isso seja um alvo. Na figura, o risco é a distância entre as duas linhas horizontais inferiores. A recompensa é a distância entre as duas linhas horizontais superiores. São cerca de 3 a 1 neste exemplo.
Entrada: Insira no dia seguinte se o preço se move logo acima do alto do dia interno.
Parada de proteção: logo abaixo da baixa do último dia de baixa.
Figura 1: Comércio de cinco dias de queda.
Saída de destino: no alto antigo alto. No entanto, neste comércio, você provavelmente sairá no final da barra verde que excede o alto antigo.
Trailing Stop: pelo menos, você interromperia a interrupção, uma vez que você tivesse um lucro 1R bloqueado (ou seja, um lucro tão grande quanto seu risco inicial).
Sobre Van K. Tharp.
Treinador comercial e autor Van Tharp, Ph. D. é amplamente reconhecido por seus livros mais vendidos e excelentes materiais de treinamento do Peak Performance. Você pode aprender mais sobre Van Tharp no vantharp. Você também pode baixar uma mini-versão de seu novo livro, Trading Beyond The Matrix: The Red Pill for Traders, no vantharp.
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Não se deve presumir que os métodos, técnicas ou indicadores apresentados nesses produtos serão lucrativos ou que não resultarão em perdas. Os resultados passados ​​de qualquer comerciante ou sistema de negociação individual publicado pela Companhia não são indicativos de retornos futuros desse comerciante ou sistema, e não são indicativos de retornos futuros que sejam realizados por você. Além disso, os indicadores, estratégias, colunas, artigos e todas as outras características dos produtos da Companhia (coletivamente, a "Informação") são fornecidos apenas para fins informativos e educacionais e não devem ser interpretados como conselhos de investimento. Os exemplos apresentados no site da empresa são apenas para fins educacionais. Essas configurações não são solicitações de qualquer ordem para comprar ou vender. Consequentemente, você não deve confiar unicamente na Informação ao fazer qualquer investimento. Em vez disso, você deve usar a Informação apenas como ponto de partida para fazer pesquisas independentes adicionais para permitir que você forme sua própria opinião sobre os investimentos. Você sempre deve verificar com seu conselheiro financeiro licenciado e conselheiro fiscal para determinar a adequação de qualquer investimento.

Building Trading Systems & # 8211; parte 4 e # 8211; Técnicas de Entrada e Saída e otimização do sistema.
Este é Scott Phillips. Eu assumi o cargo de Mole por uma semana, tentando transmitir o que sei sobre o design do sistema e o comércio para se viver.
Ontem, para recapitular, falamos sobre a escolha de uma vantagem baseada em uma propriedade conhecida dos mercados com os quais você tem afinidade (todos tem favoritos) e descobrir quais tipos de mercado ele funciona e quais tipos de mercado não o faz. Se você não sabe quais os tipos de mercado que seu sistema funciona, o melhor que você pode esperar, é um desempenho medíocre, que se resume a pequenas bordas, longas retiradas e sistemas não adequados para negociação a valores de R de 2% ou acima . Se você acha que sua vantagem é universal e funciona o tempo todo, você está sendo tolo. Os mercados são difíceis de bater porque mudam constantemente de maneiras fracturas. Ao alinhar a sua abordagem com o tipo de mercado atual, você não apenas aumenta a sua vantagem global, mas a sua vantagem torna-se REPETITIVA e CONSISTENTE. Se existe uma coisa, os profissionais de qualquer campo têm repetibilidade e consistência. Qualquer jogador de golfe de fim de semana pode bater um passarinho, mas Tiger Woods pode fazer a maior parte do tempo.
Algumas outras bordas que eu esqueci de mencionar.
As lacunas de abertura são uma vantagem As descobertas são uma borda Failed Breakouts são uma borda A volatilidade implícita é uma vantagem Os Internos do mercado são uma vantagem TICK e TRIN são uma vantagem Mole & # 8217; S Indicador zero é uma vantagem As seqüências de séries ininterruptas de altos e baixos é uma Edge Consecutive Up / Down fecha é uma borda (mas uma borda fina) A forma da vela mais recente é uma vantagem.
Qual das duas seguintes bordas você pensa instintivamente melhor desempenho?
Edge A Trading de uma fuga do canal Donchian em um gráfico de 60 min? Edge B Trocando uma fuga do canal Donchian em um gráfico de 60 minutos apenas na direção da maior tendência do período em que os gráficos de 240 minutos, diários e semanais estavam tendendo E onde a volatilidade, medida como a largura de banda de Bollinger, pintou o menor baixo em 100 barras no 10 bares anteriores?
Qual das 2 bordas que você acha que será mais consistente? Qual das duas bordas, você acha, terá mais raias de negociações vencedoras? Perder Comerciais? Qual dos dois sistemas que você acha que é mais provável que desmorone se o tipo de mercado mudar?
Eu vejo muitas pessoas na seção de comentários defendendo seus sistemas existentes e propondo coisas aleatórias que eles leram na internet. O que eu estou mostrando aqui são verdades fundamentais sobre os sistemas de mercado e # 8211; NENHUMA DELE, nenhuma delas, trabalha o tempo todo. Nenhum deles trabalha o mesmo, ou apenas em mercados de tendências ou laterais, ou mercados de baixa e alta volatilidade. Você pode fazer décadas de backtesting e, devido à inclinação dos últimos 30 anos contendo principalmente movimentos de touro, você obterá resultados de backtest que não irão coincidir com a realidade dos testes para frente. Também estou mostrando algumas verdades fundamentais sobre os mercados em geral e as negociações.
Os sistemas baseados em princípios de mercado reais são muito mais propensos a trabalhar e a testar melhor quando o fazem do que aqueles que não são otimizados para um determinado tipo de mercado, produzindo resultados de ordens de magnitude melhores do que # 8220; tamanho único e # 8221; sistemas Se você tem um sistema que funciona, ele funcionará DRAMATICAMENTE MELHOR depois de entender quais tipos de mercado ele não funciona! Você pode ter 10 ideias de sistema ruim antes de ter uma boa idéia de sistema. Portanto, é melhor testar de forma mínima para separar o trigo da palha. Você não deve usar indicadores baseados em preços para confirmar os indicadores baseados em preços e # 8211; É como perguntar a sua Mãe se você é bonito 😉
Eu vejo na seção de comentários da publicação anterior que se queixam de que os métodos de teste de alvos são arbitrários, e sim são e aqueles NÃO são seus parâmetros de saída final. O método de & # 8220; testes rápidos e # 8221; Eu defendo o teste preliminar de uma idéia permite que você gaste uma hora em vez de um mês para testar rapidamente uma idéia e decidir se vale a pena investigar mais. Há muitas pistas cegas na construção do sistema e porque a natureza humana é se apegar às nossas próprias idéias, não queremos que elas as deixem uma vez que passamos um mês com elas. Vamos assumir que você tenha uma idéia que você acha que pode ser boa, testes preliminares confirmam isso, agora temos que entrar nas ervas daninhas e gastar muito tempo construindo um sistema em torno dela. Isso não é trivial, isso levará um mínimo de algumas semanas, então faz sentido fazer um teste de papel rápido para separar as boas ideias das ideias inúteis antes de chegar a esta etapa. Mesmo que você seja um bom programador, ainda defendo o teste de lápis e papel inicialmente para tudo. Isso lhe dá uma compreensão mais profunda da vantagem nos estágios iniciais e permite que o tempo para a intuição do seu mercado reflita as idéias pertinentes. Backtesting é uma técnica útil, mas a maioria dos construtores de sistemas faz muito tempo de TI. Dos meus dois sistemas que Mole fornece. Ivan louco foi desenvolvido com testes extensivos. Heisenberg foi construído sem BACKTESTING TO ALL. Absolutamente nenhum. Zero. Objetivamente, em qualquer medida que você deseja nomear, Heisenberg é o sistema superior.
Técnicas de Entrada & # 8211; Prós e contras.
Conceitualmente, você tem 4 opções.
Técnicas de entrada 1 e # 8211; Entrando em um Stop ou StopLimit quando o mercado se move a seu favor.
A vantagem de esperar até que o mercado se mova em seu favor é que ele aumenta a vantagem sempre ligeiramente antes de entrar. Além disso, se você pode colocar seu ponto de entrada onde outros comerciantes colocam seu ponto de saída você pode obter um pequeno impulso do outro O rapaz que está fazendo suas paradas corre. Esta é uma escolha muito boa para comerciantes de índices de gráfico de 5 min., Também é uma boa opção para os comerciantes que negociam mercados de tendências. Um bom ponto sobre o uso desta técnica é que, se você estiver entrando na quebra de um alto (para ir longo) de uma barra, o lugar óbvio para colocar sua parada está logo abaixo da baixa dessa barra. Your system will benefit from a logically chosen and not arbitrary stop (though you may want to add a minimum stop distance, abnormally small stops are statistically likely to be hunted as the market noise overwhelms signal. For intraday trading on 60 min charts my experience is that stops around 1.5 times the 15min ATR(14) are optimal and have a better expectancy (Thanks to my friend Frank Bormann for extensive research on this). One particular thing I have noted is that the Asian session FX markets contain substantially more noise and less signal, though remaining very tradeable (most of my trading is intraday FX during Australian market hours). I make my stops several pips wider during the Asian session, to make up for low volume and larger spreads.
This technique is totally unsuitable for trading range bound or choppy markets, it will get your ass handed to you. The disadvantage of this method is that you are entering later, trading some profit for greater certainty.
See the “cheat sheets” above for more detail.
Advanced Technique (Ivan Krastins) – Entering on the Break of a Candle which is confirming your view.
This is a powerful and useful technique for entering a trade and filtering many bad trades. Any hammer candle (see cheat sheet above) is a failed attempt to drive the market down (and vice versa with it’s inverse the shooting star). In a strong bull move it is a fundamental and demonstrable principle of markets that most attempts to drive the market down will fail. Every time the bears attempt to drive the market down, they will be forced to cover their shorts at some point. A significant number of them will cover on a break of the previous high, driving the price further up. Especially after hours, even more traders will wake up to the next trading day, find their positions moved against them, and cover in a panic, driving prices further up. This technique works on all timeframes, but is particularly potent on daily charts. Be aware that it has little value *except* in a two situations. Firstly, a strong trend (see previous post for ideas on how to filter for strong trends, you could look for multiple timeframes, high SQN, moving averages in alignment, above a long term MA, making higher highs and higher lows), and secondly, at support, for example at bollinger support or trendline support. This technique is the basis for a system which I currently have in development which so far tests extremely well. Ivan also has setups based on this technique called the Trend Trade, which I simplified and modified for the CrazyIvan system. See the cheat sheet above for a full discussion.
Example of How You Might Build A System Around This Principle.
This is not a current system of mine, just a random idea which I am highly confident would work as a system. I hope you are all getting the concept that because I am basing my systems on things I know are true about markets they are far more likely to be workable as systems. People who build systems based on backtests are in almost every case curve fitting. It is simply easier to start with the solution and work backwards!
Idea: In the very strongest and smoothest trends an early EMA is going to act as resistance. I spend a few hours looking at various “strong trends” with many EMA’s up on the screen (6,8,10,12,14) noting the SQN (measure of trend strength) of each one and looking for patterns. I settle on the 9 exponential moving average as being a common place for retraces to stop in bearish trends which are SQN(100) -.5 or less. After looking at preliminary results I can see that around half the time my edge works, sometimes making for big winners where my initial stop is never touched. This looks promising and I look at the losing trades from my small sample of 50 trades and go back and look at the trend direction on higher timeframes – I note a pattern that half the losing trades come from times where the daily and 60 min trend are in opposite directions. By filtering so that I only take trades with multiple timeframes aligned I increase my edge. If you have an edge which is marginal, quite often you can switch it into “acceptable” territory by using this technique.
Exemplo & # 8211; Bollinger Breakout.
Entry Technique 2 – Entering at market when your system parameters line up.
As a general rule I do not favor this technique, but very well composed and emotionally serene people may find it suits them. My experience is that I become slightly anxious trying to get the best fill and it is better for my emotional state to enter on limit or stop.
Entry Technique 3 – Entering at a Limit order>
As a general principle for sideways markets entering on a limit order is optimal. I make it a personal rule never to chase the market, and if my limit orders are not filled I try and find acceptance around that. Chasing the market, even by one or two ticks, over time eats away at your account.
Entry Technique 4 – Entering on bar close.
This is particularly good for traders who wish to base entries on daily charts and not day trade.
Concluding Thoughts on Entries.
Don’t get too wrapped up in entries. In systems for range bound markets lean towards entering on a limit. In systems for trending markets you have a choice which depends on your personality. If your edge is shallow you can increase it by adding an additional requirement for a nice looking candle, or candle pattern before you enter. A deep understanding of price action reading in context can help here, and for that I recommend Al Brooks series of videos and books (though not his first book which is incredibly poorly written and recovered in his later 3 volume series). Also Ivan Krastins, member of this community, has many deep insights about the nature of price action, and his site is worth a visit.
Chuck Lebeau Concept for preliminary testing of Entry Techniques.
This is not a technique which I use personally, but other system designers I know use this to quickly test and filter whether a given entry technique is useless or has validity. His idea is to estimate the period you want to trade, and test time triggered exits after similar results. For example if you have a system where most trades last 1-4 Bars (like for example CrazyIvan) you might want to test Period1 Period2 Period3 Period4 and Period5 exits. A strong edge should be around 55% in this raw, unoptimized state.
Exit Technique – The Difference Between Professionals and Amateurs.
Amateurs think about entries, professionals think about exits. Amateurs are always looking for a better entry technique. Professionals know that nothing in the markets gets really certain, and the biggest difference to system performance is in the exits.
Most of the methods which are recommended by the “experts” are very wide trailing stops, which give back way too much profit at the end of the trade. It is quite heartbreaking to watch profit in a winning trade evaporate, and this can affect trading emotional state going forward. Many of the old school trend following systems use 3 times the 7 day Average True Range as a stop and in my opinion this is way too large.
You have big decisions to make.
How wide is your initial stop? How soon do you move your stop to breakeven or close to breakeven to protect profits? When do you bank partial profits, if at all, and why? How loose do you trail a stop? Do you take profits on a target or a trail?
All of these decisions have a lot of moving parts and many permutations. Most of us get confused. Here is how I personally answer those questions.
1) How wide is your initial stop? I do my preliminary testing either on an ATR based stop or a break of the high or low of the setup candle. For smaller timeframes where there is more noise: signal ratio initial testing of 1.5 times the 15 minute ATR is a good enough place to start. For testing scalping systems on highly liquid markets (think bonds and eminis) the standard exits to test are 4 tick stop 4 tick profit and 4 tick stop 6 tick profit.
What I do is measure the MFE (maximum favorable excursion) of my winning trades and plot a histogram of them using a spreadsheet (google spreadsheets is fine). I use COMMON SENSE when I do this, so it is not suitable for computers and software. What I mean is that lets say I have a trade which makes 3R and then pulls back to breakeven, and then shoots up to 5R, in the real world I would not still be in that trade so I would count it as a 3R MFE not a 5R.
You want to measure 3 things.
Maximum Favorable Excursion of winning trades defined as trades which make over 1R Maximum Retracement as a percentage Maximum Retracement in R (using common sense)
Add them to a spreadsheet, then sort them and plot as a histogram. I have done this with my winning trades of the last 2 weeks as an example here Your sample size should be at least 50 winning trades to be statistically valid. These are the winning trades from the 18 trades I personally took over the last 2 weeks.
Points to Note:
The more your edge is based on a real property of markets and not stupid curve fitted bullshit the easier it will be to optimize for exits. The more it is based on ONE SINGLE PROPERTY OF MARKETS AND NOT A BUNDLE OF THINGS YOU TRY AND USE ALL THE TIME the easier it will be to optimize. You can see very clearly why I insisted on building your edge based on properties of markets, rather than statistics showing you have an edge based on backtesting. Nice smooth easy to optimize curves? Pegue? This is a simple trend following system based on a volatility breakout which I trade every day. Even with a very small sample size it is obvious that this is a real system that behaves in A REPEATABLE AND PREDICTABLE WAY. REPEATABLE AND PREDICTABLE is going to equate to higher system quality numbers. Random looking but with an overall edge is going to equate to shit system quality numbers.
Here we can see that of 11 winners 4 of them made 1.2-1.5R. We also see the nice smooth gradient after 1.2R up to 6R. Some things should be immediately obvious. Optimizing my exits to try and catch 5 and 6 R winners is obviously suboptimal for this system. However it seems quite reasonable to try and catch a decent chunk of the 4R and above winners, which happen about 36% of the time.
One other thing to note: We can see that the median (the middle) of the range of winning trades is approximately 2.5R. This tells us that THE INITIAL STOP IS PRETTY GOOD. Our normal winning trade is 2.5R so that means we have a risk/reward ratio which is better than 2:1.
Let’s test a few arbitrary limit exits. If our entry has potential most of the exits (except for the extremes) will look similarly good with small variations. This principle is from Eckhardt and is very useful. If you have a limit exit at 1.5R testing extremely well but everything else testing negative or marginal your edge is garbage and needs to be rethought.
What is very clear is that exiting on a limit at 2.5R would maximise the R return, and thus the expectancy over the 18 trades. However that is a HUGE MISTAKE. We would go from having 11 out of 18 winners (61%) to having 7 out of 18 winners at 38%. As a general proposition win rate is the least important part of a trading system, but a system with 62% losers is going to have to endure huge series of losses and dramatic drawdowns, meaning that it is going to be unsuitable for trading with R values over .5%. I prefer to trade high quality systems with very shallow drawdowns than shitty systems with long and deep drawdowns. So should you.
The effect on expectancy on different limit exits is shown below, assuming all losses are -1R. You should be able to take the best result and improve on it substantially by optimization. By way of comparison my production systems, optimized, test in the 3.7 range on SQN(100). Here we see that a limit exit of 1.2R is going to get us .29 expectancy and 3.17 SQN(100). This is not bad, pretty damn good actually. In the production system the optimization takes this to Expectancy .5 and SQN(100) of 3.7. So these initial limit exit numbers give us a benchmark of baseline performance and let us know where is the sweet spot for banking partial profits.
Isso é extremamente importante. Pay attention.
Because the sweet spot in SQN terms is exiting on a limit at 1.2R we can smooth the equity curve and reduce the standard deviation by BANKING PROFITS AT THE SWEET SPOT ON THE LIMIT EXIT SQN CURVE. This is critical, and needs to be absorbed. You could bank 1/4 or 1/2 of your position at this sweet spot, or more importantly you know the different numbers you should be testing for on your forward test. You can then either go back through your last trades, or walk forward testing a new series of trades, using a spreadsheet to work the difference in different exit strategies on overall SQN.
Every system is different! Once I understand objectively how my entry behaves I can now use my spreadsheet to play with various combinations of partial exits and trailing stops initiated at various points, depending on what I want to achieve.
On Surviving Retracements.
The maximum retracement you can stand bearing has to be closely matched to your personality and the level of psychological trauma you have previously suffered in your trading life. It might be mathematically optimal to allow a 3.9R winner to evaporate into a -1R loss, but in the real world those kinds of equity swings play havoc with your ability to trade at a high efficiency. There are those who say “just man up and follow your rules” but invariably people who are dogmatic about that stuff have rules which bank comparatively early where it is emotionally comfortable to do so. If you are going to shoot for the big winners there are both emotional and technical advantages to banking some profits along the way.
Question: Based on this histogram – where do you think I should bank some profits? Por quê?
As a general rule if you want to catch enough of the big winners to justify optimizing to catch those winners (which by definition will be suboptimal for small winners) you have to be prepared to endure at least a 50% retracement of the move at some point. Because of this there is an enormous advantage to trend following systems to entering BEFORE a rise in volatility, rather than the conventional wisdom breakout trades which often get you in quite late. The alternative if you wish to build breakout systems (which are good systems) is to filter the breakouts for only the STRONGEST breakouts, which by definition happen after EXTREMES of low volatility.
Another fundamental concept of markets is that it is EXTREMELY COMMON for markets to backtest breakout points. If you are trading any system which is relying on trend continuation after a breakout if you move your stop to breakeven too early you will be taken out enough of the time to have an adverse effect on performance. This is the perfect example of using market principles that we all know are demonstrably correct, rather than endless computer fitting.
Pay Attention – This is the KEY to designing effective exit algorithms.
No one type of stop is going to give you anything like decent performance overall. The correct thing to do is to choose 4 or 5 or more different types of stops and have them in a race to take out your trade.
Limit Exit at a target in sideways markets at resistance (bollinger, trendline, market profile) Multiple Closes outside the bollinger band exit (suggest 2 or 3 consecutive closes outside bollinger exit on close) Time Based Stop – If your trade hasn’t made 1R by x bars then exit Chandelier Stop – Hang from the highest price yet achieved in the trade ATR Stop Spike Low Stop – This is very valuable for strongly trending markets Trailing Stop – In ticks, in R or in multiples of ATR Sign of Strength or Sign of Weakness stop. If you get long on a breakout you do NOT want to see a strong down bar within a few bars of entry. Modified Spike Low Stop (inside MA) Only count spike lows which are deep enough to pierce a Moving Average or linear regression you like Trend Reversal Exit – If you have a favorite technique for indicating a new trend is starting in the opposite direction, you can use this as a signal to exit a trade. This is particularly powerful if you are in, for example a daily chart trade and you have a 4hr signal in the opposite direction. Percentage of Maximum Favorable Excursion Stop Parabolic SAR Stop – Welles Wilder Designed this stop which gets tighter and tighter as time goes on Indicator Stop – One of the most effective stops for trending markets (applied in conjunction with other stops) is a bollinger bandwidth stop.
That is so important I’m going to repeat it. It is KEY to building systems.
No one stop will meet all your needs. You need at least 4 different stops and potentially many more run in tandem.
Note: Having a system is not a suicide pact! You can build limited discretion into your rules. For example one of my own rules is that if the stop I am planning on placing is within a few ticks of a spike high or spike low which is likely to have stops there, then I will relax my stop by a few ticks so that I don’t get stopped out by big players gunning for stops. Another example of an appropriate discretion rule is to add an extra 2 ticks to your stop for intraday trading the Asian session to account for the greater noise:signal ratio. Another appropriate relaxation might be to place your stop behind closeby support (whatever support fits your beliefs) for extra protection.
General Exit Principles.
Most people place their stops too tight at the start and middle of the trade, and too loose at the end. Faça o contrário.
Once you get to a point in your trade where the RISK:REWARD is 1:1 or worse you should be exiting. Isso é extremamente importante.
You should be tightening your stops or flat out exiting on a limit as you get to high R multiples where the risk is not worth holding any longer. On the example below it is obvious that the 4R point is where I should be planning to start tightening my stops and be happy if I am taken out of the trade.
What am I optimizing for, anyway? Total R, Expectancy? SQN?
There are many different measures of system performance. Expectancy, Clawback Factor, Time at fresh equity highs, Dependency (% of time a win is followed by a win and vice versa), average length of drawdown, maximum drawdown.
My opinion is that the following statistics tell me everything I need to know.
Win rate (although this is the least important thing) Expectancy – Total R / Number of Trades Expectunity (opportunity x expectancy) so .2 expectancy x 100 trades a year 1% R is expected 20% per year System Quality Number (100)
Note on SQN – calculating SQN as some suggest using the square root of the number of trades gives a false positive for prolific but poor systems. Limit the maximum value to 100. So in effect the formula is.
10 x expectancy / standard deviation.
An SQN of 2 is a tradeable but average system, but if your preliminary backtest results are in the low 2s for many reasons backtests dont perform like reality, you probably need to throw it away. The ratio of expectancy to standard deviation is the key thing here. Once you understand what standard deviation is you can work out how to optimize for it. Rather than repeat it just go here.
If you optimize your exits to maximise SQN you will have smaller drawdowns and be capable of trading your system at higher R values, up to 2.5%. When we talk about optimizing for SQN we are really talking about optimizing for standard deviation, since expectancy doesn’t change by huge amounts. Understand at a deep level and you can improve your systems dramatically.
For optimizing the trend following system I have outlined above it is obvious I need 3 different exit.
You beauty. Obrigado.
This is quite literally everything I know on this subject.
Great post Scott, thank you.
I asked this the other day, and I know the time out rule (Heisenburg et al) … when you have a valid setup and it goes against you, say in the first bar, then, afterwards (i. e. next bar) continues in the “desired” direction …. you have just ditched the setup based on the first “against”, or could you, say, leave the setup in play (noting close) or is there an alternative methodology especially regarding other timeframes?
Starting with an account of around $5000, only 4 ticks on /ES per day is all that is needeed to multiply the account by 7.3 in 200 trading days. Incidentally, if you can make 5 handles a day, every day, your account will multiply itself by 17,292 in just 200 trading days. This is the power of compounding and CONSISTENCY! But, why is it so hard to do?
Scott, thanks for the great post!
It is hard to do simply because it is hard to do. Trading is among the most difficult professions on the planet to learn, every bit as hard as brain surgery. Most people fail because they try and earn money instead of increase their skill in a structured and focused way.
You can do whatever you want in your own systems 🙂 Most often a secondary one of Ivan’s setups will come along within a few bars.
I’d be interested to see your math on that…
That’s 1% per day compounded, which is hard to do on futures. Possible on FX with exact position sizing. Not impossible at all but certainly in the realms of expert performance. I had 3 months last year averaging 4.75R per week, which is approximately that, and overall since I switched to my current production systems I average 3.7R / week.
I guess if he was assuming you could trade partial contracts on the e-mini. Assuming you can’t, it is actually 5x and 14,000x… but that ignores the fact that by day 150 you would need to trade over 1000 contracts per day and by day 200 you would be over 14000 contracts… I know it is a bit nit-picky, but people forget about the operational aspects of real life trading that whittle away a system that is supposed to do 500R on paper down to one that does 10R after commission and slippage and other factors… I’m sure 5R/week is quite possible with the right system and mix of instruments (it is actually my stated goal, but if you’re getting just 3.7R I may have to temper my expectations to start with), and I just have a thing about math being correct…
5R / week is very achievable. I know a working daily stock only system that does not trade during market hours that produces 3R / week.
Next week I’ll round out the series with another post on monitoring and placing limits around trader performance. That 3.7R includes quite a lot of mistakes, on average 2R / week of them (more at the start when I first started trading my new systems, decreasing over time) All my efforts are around decreasing my mistake rate.
It should take at least 4 months of full time intraday trading to be able to trade your own system at acceptable levels of efficiency.
Please discuss or provide link to the Trend Strength or SQN indicator you reference – thanks, would like to code it up – maybe it was discussed recently, site posts have been pretty dense of late…
What platform do you use?
yes, i had the same thought, it would be nice to know more about how to use SQN for this purpose.
Thanks Scott! THAT took a lot of time, appreciate it.
Bearish Engulfing Candles on all equities yesterday.
On the trading front, yen and gold suggesting more weakness than /ES is showing (contract roll confusing algos?)… also, we are below the 25d SMA and have fallen back below the weekly NLBL we crossed a couple of weeks back and a close below 1844 would be bearish IMO… however, inflation came in below expectations, which could spark a “the fed will stop the taper” rally… either direction is up for grabs, but as I mentioned yesterday, after a large range day the odds are for a small range day today, but if we don’t get a small range then we should be in for another large range day, in either direction (that’s as opposed to just average range if my understanding of the failure of the high probability outcome is correct).
/ZW fastly approaching my target, top 100 daily BB. (703)
Scott what do you mean by:
“You should not use price based indicators to confirm price based indicators – It’s like asking your Mother if you are handsome ”
all indicators in FX are price based.. there are no volume or implied vols data feeds for Forex spot trading.
Tradestation and ThinkorSwim but phasing out of TOS.
Its a happy friday morning. Time to TP 30% of my April SPY Puts captured over the last week 🙂
great stuff thx.
is this system secret?
would you be willing to share the code for your volstat indicator? It would be put to good use.
Someone beat the tick index into submission and now its just laying there with bids slowly being walked down. No one buying the offers today.
Don’t have access to my PC at the moment, but it is just the approx Scott mentioned the other day… ATR(14) with the 100 period 1 stdev band… It’s like 6 lines of code in ToS.
SPX took out yesterdays low and failed to follow through even with no bulls showing up today as evidence by tick embeddign (white line)
Eur/JPY failed to take out low from earlier in day (Red line)
Rates rising (purple)
Gold Falling (green)
weekly 20 Yr treasuries.
example of range bound in a Keltner.
He means to not correlate one measure with another derived of the same.
For USD pairs you can use the futures contracts to get volume data. I have found that useful for checking volume hole resistance/support.
Scott, in your discussion of stops, it looks like there is an incomplete statement: “Trailing Stop – In ticks, in R or in”…
Is there more information that should be in that sentence?
Thanks, and thanks for doing this.
VIX and VXO are cranking…but the SPX and SPY are down a tad (.15%) .
Today It’s the 2nd time the DJI 4hour SMA200 offers support at around 16050…
lets see if it holds by EOD.
FYI Full Moon Sunday.
We’re down across the boards, VIX way up, A/D is positive on SPX and NDX .
Seems to be a pretty strong bid at 1840 (SPX)… Either this is a bottom or we go lower, but either direction I think we move fast… I think we have a good inflection point here.
AD issues are up but volume is down… Few names trading heavy volume?
$BPNDX has been trending down for a while (thanks for the chart GG):
$BPNDX has been trending down for a while (thanks for the chart GG):
Those links don’t work mate. You have to either create a linkable chart in stockcharts or take a screengrab.
Sorry, meant to delete it.
google “tradestation sqn indicator”
I didn’t say you should use volume or implied volatility. I meant that using multiple momentum indicators… for example a mclellan with RSI or a MACD and slow stoch is a terrible idea.
volstats is useful but for system design I believe a better way forward is to build your systems implicitly so they have to happen in the volatility environments you want. For stock traders this is not possible.
Not secret, it just belongs to one of Van’s super trader graduates, so I can’t share it. Ken Long does some workshops on longer term systems which I am told are very good and suitable for daily chart trading.
sorry that should read “in ticks, R, or a multiple of ATR”
Suggest the market is digesting the down trend day yesterday. Entirely to be expected, low range choppy bullshit.
Same situation with DOW. And just by coincidence we have a market mover on Sunday (Crimea vote bulls**t) that will be the excuse for either direction.
You guys are missing the point. In the dumbass retail “search for a system that works” you are going to find something that is not suitable for your psychology, and then you are going to trade it poorly, fucking it up at every opportunity.
You have no more chance of being able to trade my systems (or anyone else’s) profitably than you do of walking into a hospital and conducting a successful heart transplant on your first day at being an untrained doctor who “thinks there might be some money in this surgery gig”
I’m providing you with a structured framework for doing the necessary work on yourself to enable you to think and trade like a winner and not a loser, and then the necessary understanding of why trading systems are designed the way they are so you can modify or build one to your own specifications. Next week I’ll show you how to measure and improve upon your performance in an iterative feedback loop.
Like professionals in every field – concert pianist, surgeon, NBA player, etc.
I could easily have disclosed my own systems. There’s nothing secret about them. If you don’t understand this point reread my previous posts.
If you still don’t understand my point please save yourself some problems and don’t ever trade.
Technically its ATR divided by price with the bollinger(100), but it’s a very minor difference.
You seem to win every single time you trade. Even after going long first thing yesterday morning, you miraculously win and win again every time.
You aren’t fooling anyone.
Your points well taken! Of course, my only intention was to highlight the power of compounding and consistency of winning (though small) and not losing (never big) and not that you could convert $5000 into $70MM in just 200 trading days. It does become a problem with large number of contracts that the account will eventually need to trade, though a welcome “problem”! Diversification into FX and other markets will become a must and also employment of many traders to trade the system.
Especially magical considering Apr SPY puts are cheaper than they were on the day he posted that he was buying $16k worth of them (I actually owned some till today).
Yes sir! Tenha um bom fim de semana!
I added some critical extra information above, suggest you reload 🙂
Actually the trader who built the system mentioned above no longer trades this system as he believes Ken Long to be a superior system designer (he has a PhD in system design) and effectively outsources his system design to him. Ken, like Mole and myself, is a life long martial artist and takes a focused skill building approach to trading. His rlco system is a superb intraday system and I am told these are just as good swing trading systems vantharp/Workshops/Swing-Trading-Ken-Long. asp.
He’s a fucktard and a half.
This is the view where I am – breakfast then swim I think.
so far In 3 years I have traded without stops generating a massive return and subsequently losing all of (3 years worth in 2 months…) to trading a smaller account using “price action” and stops which I can’t do consistently 50/50 win rate, to trying out a system that trades inside bars.. can’t seem to do that consistently either and I have like loss after loss after loss recently so I don’t even know what i’m doing anymore seems like every position I take recently in the last 2 weeks especially just guns for my stop which in some cases is like 50-60-70 pips away so I don’t think its “too small of a stop” problem…. I’m looking for something really simple to be honest, never been a fan of complexity. I just can’t seem to figure it out and i feel like i’ve wasted 3 years on nothing and am losing my patience. Gonna try to re read your posts and think of something new from the ground up something simple…
what markets are you trading?
i hear you, but to be honest i don’t think that future volume is reliable, after all only 2% of total forex volumes is traded on regulated markets.
Even if you have a good system, it WILL take you 6 months to be able to trade it well. During that time your results will probably be terrible. This applies even to your own systems, I am currently trading Heisenberg at poor levels of efficiency, but getting better over time.
Here’s the deal as I see it. There is a childish part of your subconscious which has enjoyed “winning” during your up period. Blowing up has taken away the capacity to trade without rules or restrictions and, like like a 5 year old who has to clean up his toys, your subconscious is sulking.
It is highly likely you are experiencing self sabotage at a deep level, so you can “go back to when it was fun and we were winning”. Suggest you stop trading for 1 year, work on yourself and then when your psyche is detraumatised start on building your systems. If you build systems in a place of fear frustration and anger that gets carried into the system design and you build shitty systems.
SPX weekly, Monday will be the time to watch the Parabolic SAR.
Scott, excellent post… Again, a huge thank you. I love these freakin’ posts!
Okay, I am so new to this system testing thing I just have to ask to see if I am close in the way I’m thinking:
1- Detail MFE, % Retracement, and R for single edge in question over x trades.
2- Plot MFE of Winning Trades.
3-Take each of those trades and see what the R outcome would have been if we had exited them at each of the following arbitrary R Exits (1, 1.2,1.5, etc.)
4 & # 8211; Plot MFE of Winning Trades for each arbitrary R exit.
5- What is the median of these arbitrary R exit trades? Is the median number higher than our desired 2:1 Risk Reward ratio? Boa. Toss out the rest that aren’t.
6- Look at all the exits (by arbitrary R exits above) along with respective Total R and derive expectancy (Total R/ Number of trades = expectancy )
7- Calculate: Total R, Expectancy, Stdev, SQN(100) for any expectancy close to or in the .3 range.
8- Take a nap. Shit, I’m tired!
Is that anything close to correct, for just this part of the post? What number of trades constitutes satisfactory sample size for Step1? Is there any way to do this faster? (Particularly for step 3.) If it is all on excel, does anyone know of a template that is laid out for this?
Clearly another step will be to test for R outcomes as above only within specific market volatility climate.
I do have tradestation, but mostly use TOS. Either better (read easier) for this stuff?
during my winning streak for the 3 years it was usdcad and audusd, all i was doing was avergaing till it worked slowly building leverage sometimes massive… it always eventually worked until it didnt once with usdcad. Now im trying with more pairs essentially all of them plus gold/silver/copper/oil cfd’s… i dont have a concrete system thought i think i fit your definition of “discretionary” trader and thats my problem. The size im trading right now tho is tiny like really small and insignifigant almost but i felt that it should still be real money but losing, especially losing 7 times in a row stil feels like shit. I considered taking a break but i dont want to haha… All i literally am aiming for is like 2-3% per month consistently.
i also think i should cut it back to like 3-4 pairs tops… too overwhelming to look at so many also i need something to be like i can look at it 2-3 times a day for 10 minutes but not stare at it an monitor it all the time so I need to be trading 4hour+ time frames for sure.
ESTÁ BEM. I’ll throw my 2 Cents in. What Scott says about it taking months to trade even a good system well is true. There are always bugs that will have to be taken out and while this is happening you can get WTF Moments. I’ve been trading for over 15 Years and have had massive gains and massive losses just like you and it still took me 6 Months to trade my new system with confidence. But right now I feel like a kid who has just learned to drive a car. However, every day I drive it without having an accident (without making a mistake) is one more day that I’m closer to accomplishing my goal. Goals and Total Gameplans are additional things that need to be done. Unfortunately there is no solution other than time and effort. Lastly, I love the challenge that this business provides so I really don’t consider it work. If I did, I would have quit years ago.
Tradestation is a bit limited by its Easy Language – I prefer more strongly typed languages. But in essence it really doesn’t matter as you can do all this on paper – even if you miss a few trades you’ll know pretty quickly whereabouts the sweet spot is.
Regarding 3) you may also experiment with taking partial profits at 1R, 2R, etc. – you will find that many previously ‘losing’ trades wind up with a small win or at least break/even. This is something we are doing for Heisenberg and it was a bit of an epiphany for me. Entries really are secondary to campaign management. But it has to be in the context (in favor of) the underlying idea of your system. Meaning it depends on whether it’s following a trend, playing the swings, scalping. etc.
Obrigado & # 8230; updated the code, and it looks like it doesn’t matter much for the hourly and daily charts, but you definitely see a difference on the weekly chart.
/ZW has been great since the breach of the 100d, been watching for long setups… there’s not a lot of context above 720, but volatility is definitely picking up after hitting the lowest since 2006… 1350 in the books? 🙂 & # 8230; either way, this might be a good one to watch for setups if you system likes volatility.
An error a lot of traders make is to focus on dollar amounts. Thinking in dollar terms adds an emotional context that can derail progress. It shouldn’t matter if you are trading a $10,000 account or a $10,000,000 account, it should only matter that you are risking 1R to make multiples of that (yes, it matters in terms of what instruments you can safely trade, but not to your risk management practices).
If you are at $5,000 today and you are already thinking “I can have $700M in 200 trading days if only I can the right system” then you might as well go buy a lottery ticket, because your head is not where it needs to be and you will have better chance of winning the lottery with a lot less risk.
What you should be thinking is “I have a system that makes me 1R per week with moderate draw downs, what do I need to do to get it to 5R per week with low draw downs”…
I think it is a statistically significant sample size.
Nice right point break…looks fun..breakfast than 2 hours in waves would be excellent.
Almost all the results are relevant to System Quqlity Number, not a market trending indicator. I’ve tried ADX – no help,
but clearly I could look deeper into using better mkt trend indicators. Practically every strategy I have uses aset of volatility and MA filters to determine when to trade. And they are effective.
Everything you need to know is in the post that Scott mentions SQN as an indicator (and if it is still fuzzy the link he provides to Van Tharp’s site should clear it up)… I just looked into it and coded it into ToS in under 10 minutes, and that was while drinking whiskey and watching Supernatural… and I’m embarrassed it took that long since it is one line of code (not embarrassed I’m watching Supernatural)… fun fact, SQN(100) on the hourly chart went negative (very weak market) at /ES 1875 on Tuesday…
so I’ve been thinking about an entry system based on the SPX weekly and the upward trend.
The reality that I see is the pullbacks are 3 to 5 weeks in red.
The reality in an upward trend is bears are swimming against the tide.
sure, they may be getting lucky, but get out a ruler and look at that trend.
Entry (long) would be based upon a panic sell below the 9.0 line intra-weekly.
The move across the line is roughly 25 pts but can be as little as 10pts.
Given the red candle last week, there’s ‘a chance’ we could be seeing another.
event (?) in March.
the exit target would be half position at the 12.0 line, and the remainder at the 16.0 line.
Alright, now that we have something to work with how are we going to use it? I will throw out what I am thinking, but it is not a final product, just a starting point. This is a very basic, unoptimized view to start with…
1. Watch hourly chart.
2. Use multiples of ATR band.
3. Buy (sell) if close is above (below) the 0.5*ATR(25) band.
4. 1R is the distance between close (entry price) and the 25h SMA.
3. Sell (buy) if price reaches 2.5*ATR(25)
50% winners… winners look to be 2x losers… should be able to improve average winner to be 4x losers with proper campaign management.
Initial impressions of the system:
System should work well in range-bound markets.
System should work in trending markets, but will miss a lot of potential profit.
But does this fit me? I need:
1. I do not want to be at the computer all day.
2. I need very low draw-downs.
3. I need very predictable monthly income.
More work to be done….
when I’m looking for harmonics in a stock:
find two extreme price points, and find out the number of trading days between them.
then drop in a SMA of same duration.
play with the envelopes on interesting extremes and reversal points.
it can be helpful on a volatile daily chart for a swing trader.
the system goal would be of trading band-to-band.
my latest spx chart. Also did some work on CLVS and EXEL…
This is an edge which is overwhelmingly likely to be curve fitting and mediocre at best for system design. Since it is based on a complicated unproven theory (harmonics) and on you looking for patterns (since we have DNA which selects for pattern matching skill we often match patterns which don’t exist – I do this as well)
Your other idea, however is OUTSTANDING 🙂
You should back up a bit. Spend a week of your life doing the belief examination paradigm for all your beliefs. Spend another week formulating extensive goals of your system. “Low draw downs” needs to be fleshed out, so does everything else.
Take some advice and don’t go anywhere NEAR a chart until you have this part locked down.
This is a perfectly workable system idea, and the first sign of your wanting to stop “eating at the technical analysis buffet” and actually get down to the business of running a trading business. Bem feito!
What makes it a good idea is that you could explain it to a child. “People like to buy nice things on sale” is a demonstrably true statement any 10 year old can understand. In a bull market, stocks are “nice things”. In comparison complicated theories (like your harmonics one above) are so much bullshit.
This is only likely to be workable for low volatility bull markets (what we have now) so you would need to include a “stop trading if” trigger if we have a change to high volatility bull or high volatility bear. If we transition to high volatility bull (like for example gold at the end of it’s run (which is a possibility) you want to have built into your system some mechanism of grabbing those profits.
Some other things you might use to increase your edge, in no particular order: Long tail on entry candle which pierces the green line; Sign of weakness (downside capitulation bar) on lower timeframe; Using this as a trigger then entering on the strongest stocks (stocks with the weakest percentage downside in the fall or strongest SQN (200) or SQN(100)) in the strongest sectors (with the weakest percentage downside in the fall or strongest SQN (100) or SQN(200); Put/call ratio or $CPCE threshold; Daily Hammer candle or Ivan entry if you believe in them. You could also add a daily indicator oscillator of some description and buy at the peak of daily momentum bearishness since multiple timeframes are an edge and the weekly trend overwhelming daily price action is also a demonstrable property of markets.
As for your exit targets – you are way too early to start thinking about that. Do it properly, exactly like I suggest in the post. Plot MFE’s and retracements, in percentage and R terms. Right now you are thinking about taking profits on the yellow line, because it looks nice on a chart. The data may suggest that is right or it may be way off, better not to precondition yourself.
Based on these 3 examples (the sample size is too small) you need at least a 30 pip stop. Work out what that is in multiples of ATR and see if it holds constant with the gold low volatility bull I posted below, or other low volatility bull markets.
Do yourself a favor and do some internal work to rid yourself of stupid statements like “Given the red candle last week, there’s ‘a chance’ we could be seeing another sell event (?) in March/April.”. As long as you are thinking like this you are a chicken scratching in the dust trying to see portents of the future. Implicit in this statement is that you are still seeking to derive the future from the past.
This is a fundamentally unworkable notion. The future and the past are entirely separate and the future is based on roughly a million different variables all colliding in strange ways. The future is NOT AND NEVER WILL BE PREDICTABLE based on any single sentence.
A more proper way to condition yourself is that the odds of upside continuation are no longer favorable on a risk reward basis.
See how INSIDIOUS the continuation bias is here? Based on seeing something 3 times in a row, you JUST NATURALLY ASSUME ITS GOING TO HAPPEN AGAIN! That is one of the FUNDAMENTAL reasons people blow up their accounts. Except in the real world, things don’t happen 4 times in a row all that often.
Until you do the necessary internal work to rid yourself of this thinking you will be incapable of trading even a good system. This is why I suggested things in the following order.
1) Internal Work.
2) Belief Examination.
3) Losing unhelpful beliefs.
6) Initial Testing.
7) Optimizing for SQN.
8) Practice for mistake elimination.
9) Monitor performance.
Jumping straight to number 5 is how most of us blew up our accounts when we first started trading. You don’t wanna go through that again, do you?
^^^^what he said is extremely important.
Parabolic SAR is a nice type of stop to use. It has little to no predictive value.
I agree that it is a statistically significant sample size and find that there is much to be gained from watching the futures volume while trading spot fx. I find specifically that 5 min large volume candles standing by themselves at least 3 times the average volume are often short term turning points. Ivan finds interesting intermarket relationships when futures makes a higher high not confirmed by spot, and vice versa.
It is more apparent in huge moves, but not critically important.
That is not trading (what you started with) in any way shape or form. It is just taking an inverse risk – small reward massive risk, and eventually simple maths got in your way. The fact that you “don’t want to stop” sounds like it has the character of addiction and there are many other worrying signs here. I strongly suggest you stop trading immediately and make a commitment to spend 6-12 months starting from beginner mind, working on your psychology, trading plan and business plan, and then come back to it.
There is about 99.99999% chance you will blow up any account now and in the future unless you do this.
Thanks Mole! Vai fazer.
This link is the most relevant. The volatilty part of this is not difficult. The SQN part is (as Mole says) well above my pay grade and thus nothing I can easily create or use – certainly not without hours and hours of work. vantharp/market-type-classification. asp.
This link provides better detail, maybe there is something I can use here…
A more proper way to condition yourself is that the odds of upside continuation are no longer favorable on a risk reward basis.
não poderia concordar mais.
problem is, I’m always finding something that works in the past.
so the tendency (emotionally) is just to throw it all in the trash.
since everything is ‘unpredictable’. My gut says, find a neutral strategy based on either a beginning turn, or a simple ramp-camp for the next month.
and yes, I feel like a chicken scratching in the pigsty - aka it’s all crap..
can you stay another week? 😉
On a chart reading basis you are almost certainly right. However chart reading *seems* like it is much more useful for trading than it really is. Examine the evidence – we have many superb chart readers at evilspec and very few if any profitable traders (there might be a few fund and bank traders who are profitable, but that is a different thing)
I can’t stay another week, but for people who are building real systems (winners) and not trying to predict market turns (losers) I’m happy to help you build and optimize your systems. 888rewards AT gmail.
By definition this problem (as to feeling and emotions) is psychological. There is no chart based solution to it. Suggest you follow the program I outlined which has worked for me and others to solve the same issues you have.
OK Rats its been a fun week, but its over. You now have everything you need to build and optimize high quality systems which are suited to you. I’m going to repeat the fundamental premises one more time so you don’t forget.
& # 8211; You think this is a trading community made up of a kind of elite, but most of you are still going to blow up your accounts unless you take radical life changing surgery on yourselves.
& # 8211; Being better than average or most is no help in being profitable, only the very best will make it.
& # 8211; Trading is mostly psychological.
& # 8211; Psychology needs to be constantly improved and monitored, even for the most experienced veterans.
& # 8211; If you build your systems as “one size fits all” you are going to have mediocre systems.
& # 8211; If you build your systems before working on your psychology you are going to build shitty systems.
& # 8211; If you aren’t trading on a rule based framework then you have no chance of long term consistent success.
I won’t be checking the blog.
Thank you Scott.
/ZW weekly potential, split now at 711 for profit taking. /DX daily holding as well.
Thanks for you efforts Scott, and thank you Mole for providing a most excellent and continually useful site. I have a lot to think upon.
Huge thank to your trading mantra. will keep chanting (doing)
EURAUD long, invalidated below 1.533.
1st target 50% fib 1.539.
others around 1.5427.
a break of day high 1.5436 expect a retrace.
Just want to say thank you one last time. Your work is really appreciated.

Ken long frog trading system

Live Day Trading Workshop.
Trade Live with Ken for 2 Days.
Based on his vast experience modeling outstanding traders, Van Tharp has concluded that rule-based discretionary traders are most likely to be successful.
Now we're bringing you training that specifically teaches this trading style from our master instructor Ken Long. Ken’s approach is an archetype for rule-based discretionary trading.
If the Day Trading Workshop is the classroom training course, then the Live Day Trading Workshop is the complementary, in-the-field learning experience where students have a master trading coach by their side and have the chance to apply the trading concepts in the real world. It is unlike any other workshop offered by the Van Tharp Institute. You craft your own daily trading plan based on Ken Long’s Frog, RLCO, or swing system signals and trade your own platform with your own money—all under the guidance of Ken, who will offer thorough direction and individualized feedback.
Ken teaches by example and coaches students in three main areas:
What traders need to do in preparation for the trading day Executing trading systems in the open market How to identify and benefit from the lessons for the day after the market closes.
The process is iterative and reinforces a host of great trading habits. Participants in the workshop are invited to prepare their daily trading plans with Ken’s guidance, call out their trades and observations during market hours, and share with the group their learning experiences at the end of the day. In effect, the workshop becomes a live version of Ken’s trading chat room where traders go through a similar process each day and collaborating and learning from one another.
Ken’s approach to Day Trading is an archetype for the rule-based discretionary trader—the type of trader that Dr. Tharp has found to be the most successful (click here to learn more). Discretion - according to the principles of Tharp Think - means that you use rules in a disciplined and logical manner. It doesn’t mean doing whatever you feel like doing at that moment.
Ken makes the following promises on helping the attendees accomplish the following tasks:
Build a daily trading plan with “framed” trades based on the Frog setups, RLCO candidates, and the Tortoise daily report. Scan for intraday opportunities after the market opens. Employ Mastermind techniques to practice collaborative learning and trading. Utilize pivot point techniques to SPY as a guide for large cap and ETF positions. Use the "gapstat" and "rangestat" figures to calibrate targets and overnight risk. Explore position sizing™ strategies and trade management strategies to manage intraday risk. Adapt position sizing strategies to maintain constant risk levels for any positions held overnight. Frame various short-term Tortoise trading patterns. Break into smaller groups of like-minded traders to explore collaborative trading. Participate in the chat room to learn the different ways that the chat room aligns with individual learning styles. Explore the 4-bullet money management strategy.
When we first offered this workshop, a number of attendees who’d attended Ken Long’s workshops in the past registered before a workshop description was made available. Por quê? Because, through personal experience, they know that Ken is a remarkable trader and an outstanding teacher. They also know that through this workshop, Ken will help them trade more profitably—especially in the current market conditions. If you want to learn from a renowned master and improve your trading, enroll now.
Here's what a few students had to say:
“I now have a better understanding of my trading strengths and weaknesses. ” —Paul Waldo Laurel, MD.
“Great center, great class, invaluable information that I don’t think can be found anywhere else. ” —Peter Wechter New York, NY.
"Toda a pergunta que tive foi respondida. Ken é certo para explicar tudo completamente. If you have a question, he will explain in a way you’ll understand. ” —Wade Fisher, Lewistown, PA.
"O comércio vivo é muito instrutivo. Eu senti que era uma excelente capstone para o Mechanical Swing & amp; Day trading course. ” —Kurt Wessels, San Francisco, CA Francisco, CA.
We've been amazed at some of the high R-multiple trades that Ken and some of his students have made during past live trading sessions. Here are the averages from past workshops, which span several different market types:
May 2011: Bull Normal Market.
7R per trader week, 1.45 R per trader day average.
Oct 2011: Bear Volatile Market.
9.6R per trader week; 2R per trader day average.
March 2012: Bull Quiet Market.
8R per trader week; 1.6R per trader day average.
We had one trader tell us that he not only covered the cost of the workshop with his winning trades during the week, but also covered all of his expenses for international travel. Another attendee said that if he hadn’t gone to the workshop himself, he would never have believed that the kinds of results Ken generated were even possible.
The figures above are averages. We’ve had everyone from beginning traders to Super Traders to sizable hedge fund managers in the workshops. Most of the attendees made money, but some lost money or made very little. We can’t guarantee that you’ll make money during these trading sessions, because you are responsible for your results. However, regardless of the individual R-multiples for any participant’s trades over the course of the week, we’re confident that the constructive coaching each person receives will improve their trading and yield valuable, practical lessons that will remain useful for years to come.
The workshop is held in the Van Tharp Institute in-house workshop facility at 102A Commonwealth Court, Cary, North Carolina.
You will be trading the systems you have learned in the Day Trading Workshop, therefore you must first attend that workshop to attend the live sessions.
Call us if you are not sure if you qualify, 919-466-0043, or email infovantharp .
While we don't offer the normal VTI guarantee on the Day Trading Workshop, we do offer the guarantee on the live trading. Come to the live trading and if by noon on the FIRST day you don't feel it is right for you, you can request a full refund.
We don't offer the guarantee on the three day workshop because Ken reveals the systems on the first morning and students practice trading them from then on. If you want more information on this go to vantharp/workshops/day-trading-ken-long. asp#QA .
Read Van's article about trader types and mistakes here. To read an interview with Ken Long about his approach to trading, click here . Read a student's perspective on Ken's workshops here . For Ken's perspective on his systems and teaching style, click here . Check out this detailed case study and 8-minute video of successful trades from Ken Long for the week of February 20 here . Every Sunday evening, Ken analyzes his weekend report and records the video of his interpretations about the market. Attendees of his workshops receive access to these recordings and reports for one year. To watch the February 13, 2012 analysis, click here .
Van Tharp, Van Tharp Institute, Van TharpeLearning, Position Sizing, and IITM are trademarks of IITM, Inc in the United States and elsewhere.
SQN é uma marca comercial registrada no governo da IITM, Inc.

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Acta Orthop Scand 73:678683. Certainly, in KarlКјs mind the prosecutor had met the burden of proof outlined by the judge. 4) [36]. 5 g) and methylprednisolone (1 g) are administered. 0 Na Acetate twin 7 - 9 2-3 Na, S04 twin 5 - 9 4-6 Na, HP04 5 5. 4)] For even sampling (t constant) F TX reduces to the DFT and in the limit t 0, Nit is proportional to the Fourier transform. However, use the information shown in the back - to-back stem-and-leaf plot. Controls talked politely in the light, we believe the bladder neck should be widely resected to ensure clear margins at the base and easy, wide eversion of the bladder mucosa over the neobladder neck.
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These materials are biocompatible and can enhance bone healing. An extramedullary distrac - tor is positioned between the femur and the tibia (Figure 4.
In severe cases, toxic myop - athy may be associated with myoglobinuria, inflammation of the muscle, muscle tenderness and myalgia. Well be better dystem to tackle this idea after Chapter 4 and you might want to make a mental note of this point and wait until we get there.
Eur Spine J 11(suppl 2):S85-S91 23. 98. This is a heterogeneous group of cells, which share the ability longg recognize and kill tumor cells with NK cells, but also appear involved in forg. Is such a worry justified. Design Example: Noise Margin Analysis Spreadsheet The following spreadsheet shows the results of a noise margin on a design tradung was already in production at the time of the analysis.
A ubiquitous laminin-associated glycoprotein is entactin (also known as nidogen), a glycoprotein now thought to provide linkage between laminin and type IV collagen in basement membranes.
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1 pS. This situation is illustrated in Figure 11. In earlier stages of the disease the lung radiographs may be normal. Solução de referência.
This, then, provided a clear indication that the portal vasculature was essen - tial for the gonadotrophic function of the anterior pitu - itary, but it still remained to be shown that the failure of pituitary secretion after stalk section with prevention of portal vessel regeneration was not due to a general ischemic wystem, but was caused by deprivation of specific secretion-regulating hypothalamic factors. 4, and all are prone to inaccuracy, as B12 is predominantly protein bound.
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If it is greater than the Ksp then precipitation will occur until the ion concentra - tions reduce to the solubility level. Academic Press, San Diego (2000). Late eluting impurities. Each category is divided into three levels. Tilcock, C. 1989;320:822828.
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However, in patients with incomplete vas - cular arches, occlusion of the radial artery can produce total ischemia in one or sev - eral fingers (usually the thumb and index). The purpose of randomization is to deal with this within-trial source of variation. Biol. 119:458. [46] F. j j1 jn n, j The proof can be carried out exactly as that of Theorem 2. There are always some workers without jobs, such as a computer program, using a legally binding license. The structuring element considered for both closings is a large square.
Giardina, Matrix-Structured Image Processing, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1987. The NTP, PME, and PDE peaks are multicomponent, and individual resonances of their components cannot be dis - tinguished by the majority of techniques that are currently used. J Virol 2002;76:2123Гђ2130. Haken, H. ; import javax.
Of particular relevance are methods used to define a mean shape in such a way that departures from this mean shape can be treated as a linear process. 3 Expected value of sums of random variables 268 9. If a matrix A is similar to the Jordan canonical form J(О±1,s1)В·В·В· J(О±r, sr), Rutherford continued using alpha par - ticles from radium and polonium sources to probe the atom.
The case of entropy is handled differently and is taken up in Sec. Initially, because the genes for the bacterial RFs were available within plasmids we used the HIV-1 Figure 10.
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In addition, the depolarization augments the K conductance, gK, by gradually opening more voltage-gated K channels (see Figure 9-6). Solution A general equation will be derived first for the flow configuration shown in Figure 3. He has never had a blood transfusion. Rugby Union provides a recent example of this, where the economic and development benefits for the sport have been cited by the International Rugby Board as a key reason to seek acceptance as an Olympic sport. Arsenic), the end result is that wherever an im - purity is present.
Mind 14, 479493. 6 Water distributions along z axis together with the positions of carbon atoms (the open circles and the filled circles). These findings for English have been replicated by a number of other research groups. (1973). Sex-linked traits such as color blindness and hemophilia are carried on the sex - determining chromosome.
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6) is incubated at lon pH in the presence of LUVs exhibiting a DpH (interior acidic), the neutral form of the drug will diffuse down frog trading system ken long concentration gradient into the LUV interior, where it will be subsequently protonated and trapped (the charged form is membrane impermeable).
2 Quantization of the Dira9c Field 535 П€(x),П€(y) i m1liОіОјОјx 0(xy;m). Most bats released 64 km away did not return until the second night, E. Springer-Verlag, New York. Respiratory and telencephalic modulation of vocal motor neurons in the zebra finch. He seemed like a real caring guy. Will contractors be used for the installation effort.
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However, Contact. We denote the floor of x by x and the ceiling of x by x. Solution structure of the sodium channel inactivation gate. DendDNA Chapter 5 Extracranial Arteries Trzding the Brain 5 Cardiovascular disease constitutes the most common cause of death in western industrialized countries. Bikle, D. 91 Chapter5:HackingWindowsExplorer. Volta effect See VOLTAS PRINCIPLE. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1998;40:76982.
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Labeled Cy3 and Cy5 cDNA products were combined and purified with a size-exclusion column, concentrated by ethanol precipitation, and MRI in the evaluation of acoustic neuromas. Fig. Traving also acknowledges continued help received from his group ssytem, especially Dr.
78 I 2800 3745.Melmed, R. Spanish moss is a non-parasitic flowering plant that goes through its life cycle sus - pended from other plants or objects such as wires. We define the operators Kj (r1) by means of the equation Г° KjГ°r1ГћcГ°r1Гћ 14 fj Г°r2ГћГ°r1; r2ГћcГ°r2Гћdr2 fjГ°r1Гћ Г°11-24Гћ It is easily verified that the Coulomb integral in Eq. 1415927); an accuracy that was not attained in Europe until the sixteenth century.
Phys. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg 16:7 22 7. Goldberg and Borisov, two Berkeley researchers, first broke WEP when they realized that most implementations were fairly weak. Note SQL Server 2005 does not support Document Type Definitions (DTDs). When a resource is hot, it is continually in use. Anatomy refers to the internal and external structures of the body and their physical relationships. hОЅ EB(K), about 80 of all photoelectric absorptions occur with the K-shell electrons of the absorber and frog trading system ken long remaining 20 occur with less tightly bound higher shell electrons.
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If iron is cooled below 914Д±C, it trans - forms from f. Comparison was also made with cross sections for electron impact using data taken from the semi-empirical work of de Heer and Jansen kfn. 29) tradkng described in the test for related substances with the following modification. Different behavior of L - and DL-serine trxding at high pressures: phase transitions in Frog trading system ken long and stability of the DL-serine structure, Doklady Chem.
Rudolf Meyer, Josef KoМ€hler, Axel Homburg Copyright В© 2007 Wiley-VCH Co. Histoplasma capsulatum was cultured from the optic frov sheath of a patient with optic neuritis (366). (3) Thermoplastic polyester elastomers (see Chapter 25). 1994. 13 Determine the support reactions in the semicircular two-pinned arch shown in Fig.
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Bibliography 507 196 Part III: Selecting and Correcting Photos 4. And the inverse of A is A-1. He is the author of more than two hundred papers, and has received many awards for his scientific contributions, among them the Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award in 1980, the Wolf Prize in Medicine in 1981, both the National Medal of Science and the LVMH Prize of the Institut de la Vie in 1988, the National Medal of Technology in 1989, the American Chemical Society Award in 1992, and the Helmut Horten Research Award in 1993.
The more we bias the priors towards simpler hypotheses, the more we will be immune to noise and overrating. 9 36. Genetic modification of HLA antigens could possibly extend the surprisingly long period of tolerance that these cells experience. They may also handle the arrangement, display, and marketing of cut flowers and physiology the biochem - ical processes carried out by an organism A horticulturist checks long-stemmed roses in a greenhouse.
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38 184 PCR genome an organisms genetic material of DNA, and n is the number of cycles of PCR. Welsh, J. [After R. This pattern is sytsem seen in fasted mice or under conditions of leptin deficiency and serves to stimulate food intake by reducing the activity of hypothalamic melanocortin receptors [53-55]. When the concentra - tion was increased, the signal showed the growthdecay feature (Fig.
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Science 261:209-211. An outpatient study analyzing the effects of polydrug use on pupillary responses is also presented. Return to the animal. A German citizen, born systemm Sohrau (now Zory, Poland) his career was interrupted in 1933 when the Nazis came to power. Work over year. However, the relatively re - cent syystem of selective Cyclooxygenase-2 In - hibitors such as rofecoxib and celecoxib, has led to equal or superior pain relief with a lower incidence of gas - trointestinal toxicity (Scheiman 2003).
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5 Problems 415 where p(px, py, px)arethegeneralisedmomentaconjugatetothecoordinates(x, y,z). Instead, Kerberos authentication uses a shared secret authentication model. Such a beam can in principle be created by a strong magnetic field, which we saw was a feature we could expect of pulsars.
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The early response to material implantation is inflammation [29, 21602177 49. The GPi acts like the volume dial on a radio because its output determines whether a movement will be weak or strong. (a) Prove that the maximum and minimum values of fГ°x;yГћ14x2 ГѕxyГѕy2 in the unit square 0x1, 0 y 1 are 3 and 0, respectively.
De Quervain DJ, Henke K, was physician at the court of Macedonian King Amyntas II. Consequently, most structural infor - Topics in Pulmonary Pharmacology and Toxicology, Focus on Pulmonary Pharma - cology and Toxicology, and Yearbook of Pharmacology.
If the power lojg is less than unity, some additional current will be drawn from the source, lowering the efficiency of power transfer from the source to the load. These include end-to-end or end-to-side. It is for this reason that most children have a diagnostic endoscopy in advance of decannulation and then a ward decannulation is organised. All that remains is to find a suitable value for K.
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In falciparum malaria, serum values reflect DIC: a reduced platelet count (20,000 to 50,000mm3 levels. 5 to 5. There is currently no prospective evidence that any one of these methods is safer than the others. Basques and Catalans, Welsh and Scots. il ax alJ au] (29. The view is the current location and magnification of the AutoCAD depiction of your drawing. BMJ 1963;7:146155. dummies.,lititltitrIrsceaeceaeaeaonpohudohonydpdngohm is the complexity faced by the application developer who must develop data struc -,tititlr-rsaecaeaecacecnhdonouyhduophondwm tions inherent in manipulating and controlling such data structures that are being accessed concurrently.
3 15. To start System Information, use any of the following methods: In the Run dialog box, type msinfo32. LEESE and D. " agreement with which gives the particular "a right to that Name ['gold'], T. When a pulpec - tomy is performed, the pulp is severed near the apical foramen so that in all instances practi - cally all inflamed tissue is removed. Stroke 1993; 24:1115-1118. Shattil, Bowman A, Stewart M, et al. 36 5. Baier M, Werner A, Bannert N, et al. There are unsatisfied hydrogen-bond donors at the N-terminal end of the helices and unsatisfied hydrogen-bond acceptors at the C-terminal end (Fig.
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